FA: Merc / Quicksilver fuel tank.
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Dan Krueger
Posts: n/a
FA: Merc / Quicksilver fuel tank.
Please accept my apology. It's been awhile since I posted to this
group. For what it's worth I used to post here under another name, back
in the days when I was a factory rep.Ironically I never had a complaint
about the "warranty" parts I shipped out, the demo props I loaned out
or the free advice.
With so much off topic going on I thought I could slip by with what
many people consider spam. My bad.
Imagine my nerve offering (to a boating group no less) a $50 tank
currently going for 99 cents. Shame on me for trying to help a fellow
boater, clean out my shop and make a few dollars.
And here is the "direct"link
You missed the point. Compared to what is discussed here, a boat
related auction is fine by me. My comment had more to do with the link.
You might get some takers now.
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