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Default Hey NOYB... about this Syria stuff

"DSK" wrote in message
If the Bush Administration has reliable intelligence sources that can
track a single van thru the Bekaa Valley in Syria, why do you think they
couldn't track multiple big tractor-trailer truck loads of WMDs?

Are you rethinking any of this yet?

Here's mo

Former head of the Iraq Survey Group, David Kay, has confirmed that Saddam

Hussein sent convoys to Syria full of "Iraqi equipment" that could not be

and that they could possibly have had weapons of mass destruction. He

that senior Iraqi scientific and military officials who would have access to

documentation and knowledge of the programs fled to Syria immediately before

during the war. [8] According to intelligence gathering, the major transfer
of WMD

goods from Iraq to Syria and Lebanon occurred between January and March of

However, the first shipments occurred even before then. In December of 2002,

claimed that Syria was hiding Iraqi mobile biological weapons labs, chemical

biological components and munitions. [9] The shipments were reportedly

between Bashar Assad's younger brother, Maher, and Saddam Hussein. Following

their meeting, Syria agreed to harbor WMDs and officials should inspections

again. [10]

Israeli intelligence says that between January 10th and March 10th, the
transfer of

Iraqi chemical (and possibly biological) weapons to Syria and Lebanon's
Bekaa Valley

was completed. They were placed in giant tankers and taken to Syria, and
then to

the Bekaa Valley under the protection of Syrian special forces and air-force

intelligence units. Syrian army engineers then took over supervising the
tankers at

the poppy fields and used special drilling equipment to dig holes
approximately 20-

26 feet across and 82-115 feet deep. The weapons were buried under the poppy

fields grown for heroin and under the rows of cotton plants in two of the
most fertile

regions of Lebanon. This is done because the local population is farmers
(less dense

population) and the poppy and cotton fields will grow over the holes

quickly. This is at the valley stretching between Jabal Akroum, the town of

Qbayyat and the Syrian border.

Weapons were also hidden at the land between the towns of al-Hirmil and

between the Orontes River and the Syrian border. Israeli satellite photos
showed it

occurred at night and the crews wore protective suits. The local farmers

reportedly bribed into not saying anything, but we can also not rule out

Intelligence sources indicate that satellite photos prove the whole transfer
here took

place. [11]