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Default Cockpit carpeting question

"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 21:58:34 -0400, " *JimH*" wrote:

I plan to replace the carpeting (now red..........yuk) throughout the
cockpit. I will be removing the existing carpeting come Spring (it looks
like it is glued down) and replacing it with a neutral color moderate~high
grade marine carpeting.


1. How difficult is it to install the carpeting in the cockpit? I will
to work around some fixed seating.

Can't remove the seats? Hmmmm....

I did. I removed the captains seat and sink/ in the trash

I guess I can remove the rest of the seating but would prefer not to if
there was no advantage to doing so.

Well, I've done this on a bass boat once ten or so years ago. You'll
need a sharp blade like a fine Xacto blade to round the seats and
place the new carpet. You'll also probably need a heat gun to loosen
up the carpet glue as you peel it back and to remove the excess glue
from the deck.

That was my plan.

2. Can you recommend any particular manufacturer or supplier on the net
the carpeting? More specifically, can you recommend any make from the
manufacturer that will meet my needs?)

West Marine supplies carpet in several widths and weights. Other than
that, I can't help you.