Have I gotten OLD
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Don White
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Have I gotten OLD
Ten years ago when I was 39, I would dive to clean the bottom of my
boat of barnacles with no problems, I could swim against the tidal
current, hold my breath long enough to get something done underwater,
and had no problems with routine maintenance in the water. For the
past 10 years while I built my business, my boat was in a location
where diving was not possible so I paid to have it done. Now, I am
back to my old local (Shell Point, Florida south of Tallahassee) and
today I dove to clean the bottom. MY GOD, it wiped me out. I couldnt
swim against the tidal current and forget holding my breath to get
anything done. I am really shocked at my inability now. I used to
wonder at the inability of others to do work on their own boats, now I
wonder at my own inability. How the hell did this happen?
Age 50 seems to be a turning point...unless you've been training on a
regular basis. I used to bench press 325 pounds.....dropped out for a
while, fiddled a bit at home and now, twenty years later I do about 220
on my Bowflex.....although I'm sitting at a 45 deg angle.
I should use the flat bench position with the barbell attachment just
to see if I have anything left. Could be worse I suppose.... we could
be losing our minds like Skipper.
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