Thread: Diode question
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Bruce in Alaska
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Default Diode question

In article,
chuck wrote:

As a follow-up, the easiest solution, by far, and perhaps the least
expensive one, is to purchase a dual voice coil speaker. Each voice coil
is completely (as they say) independent of the other so there is no
damage to equipment. I have no idea whether you can find a dual voice
coil horn, but you can search for one.

Good luck.


Motorola used some really nice dual voicecoil Speakers in their
Bridge to Bridge version Modar Vhf Radios. These were designed in just
for this specific purpose, to combine audio from both the main
Receiver, and the Ch 13 Monitor receiver, that was grafted on the top
of the main radio. I always liked the simplicity of this design.
Maybe Motorola still has some of these in the supply system......

Bruce in alaska
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