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Default Usage of motoroil

"Joe" wrote in message . ..
"basskisser" wrote in message
"Joe" wrote in message

.. .
Most normal people realize that consume = burn in an internal

The oil in a engine is either consumed or it leaks out, nothing


Tell me DimDummy, are you still growing pot in the house?

Why don't you come and see? I'd love to meet you .


consume does not in no way equal burn. That is pure stupidity. Ever
hear of foaming and vaporization? Nah, didn't think so.

And where does that oil go jackass?
I'll tell you. It is sucked into the intake through the pcv valve and

in the combustion chamber.

What a moron.

100% of it? Is that REALLY what you are saying, Joe?

Since your the P.E., why don't you tell us what the percentage is, Dummy?
Its amazing how you cling to the absurd to dispute the truth.

You are a sick man DimDummy.

Again, I'll be in the Tampa area, when can we get together? I'd like to

give you a
chance to call me pathetic little names to my face.
I'll be in the Zephyrhills area, and will have time. Let me know,

Again, I like to keep a save distance from sociopaths.

Uh, YOU would be the sociopath, JoeTechnician. You are the one who
hides behind a friggin' newsgroup! You don't have balls enough to do
you name calling to someone's face? Is that what you're saying,
JoeTechnician? Been inhaling too many fumes from line pulling