53' World Cruiser for only $45,000
Harry is showing us his typical liebral "tolerance"
"Smith Smithers" wrote in message
If Skipper is really in a wheelchair, wouldn't you feel bad making fun of
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Skipper wrote:
Smith Smithers wrote:
Some of the best bargains for used sailboats are in the Caribbean.
buy a boat, decide the cruising life is for them and after a few
they put their boat on the market and head back to the states.
Can't say I blame them if their cruising experience was limited to the
East Coast and Caribbean. Same ol', same ol', if you know what I mean.
Those with REAL adventure in their bones eventually migrate to the
better Pacific climes.
It must warm the heart of a wheelchair-bound troller like you who lives
Derby, Kansas, to read about the "adventures" of boaters who live on or
near the ocean.