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Default Hey NOYB... about this Syria stuff

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 22:11:46 -0400, DSK wrote:

Frankly if the Iraqi WMDs existed in the post Gulf War era (which the best
US intel now doubts strongly) and if they went to Syria (which nobody
except a handful of fascist half-wits believe) then your "reasons" are
little more than lame excuses. Those WMDs (if they exist) constitute a
SERIOUS threat, perhaps an even greater one if laying around in Syria
where there are all kinds of uncontrolled half-baked fundie hellraisers
instead of Iraq, where a very strong & well disciplined force controlled
by a very secular gov't kept the terrorists out.

Yeah, it's a little difficult selling the world as a "safer place" with
all those WMDs unaccounted for, if they existed. Something else to note,
the nitwit in charge has marginalized the two *secular* states in the
area, Syria and Iraq. This has proved a boon for the area's fundie state,
Iran. We've eliminated one of their sworn enemies, Iraq, and added to
Iran's sphere of influence, the Iraqi Shias. If Iraq doesn't hold
together, and it's still an even money bet, we have destabilized the
entire area. There will likely be a Kurdish state, something Turkey very
much wants to avoid, and the big player in the area, will not be the US,
it will be Iran. Pure genius, this President we are saddled with.