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Smith Smithers
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Default What Happens if you're a Dem

You have been wishing Skipper would return for over a year now, I hope you
guys are playing nicely and having fun.

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Skipper wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:

BTW, do you support Christmas?

Do you mean buy things for christmas, or actually believe in it

It's Snippy's pathetic way of "sniffing out" Jews. Really.

Not everything should be taken from your Jewish point of view, Krause.
Actually, elimination of Christmas is the Loony Left's position. Just
checking on your party loyalty.

We did note your failure to answer the query...and know what that meant.


My Jewish point of view?

That's interesting.

I've never given a thought to "eliminating" Christmas, Snippy, and I can't
say that I've ever encountered a Democrat who wants to eliminate it,
either. You must listen to some pretty wild hate radio out your way.

You're not trying to pass yourself off as a Christian, are you? You're far
too full of hate for that.

And what's your problem with people of the Jewish faith? There can't be
that many living in a bunghole like Derby, Kansas.