What Happens if you're a Dem
Harry Krause wrote:
Skipper wrote:
You stab the Pahlavi family in the back, turning Iran over to America
hating terrorists and eventually killing millions in a nuclear attack.
You turn America's pride, the Panama Canal over to leftists who give
control of the Canal over to America's avowed enemies in communist
You despise traditional American values.
You support the massive invasion of illegal aliens into the US and
making them legal voters. The weight of their presence sinks the US
medical system and forces jobs offshore.
Another crock'o'crap from our Kansas Derby contestant.
1. The Shah was a brutal dictator, installed and supported by the CIA.
He needed to go. It's just too bad we supported him all those years and
as a result were not able to have any influence helping the Iranians
form a better government. But we were tainted.
2. I doubt Iran will flip a nuke our way, unless we attack or threaten
to attack first.
3. The Panama Canal was rightfully returned to Panama. As a country that
supports democracy, we have no business imposing our will on countries
that want their territory back.
More specifically, our *lease* was up.
You have to wonder what message it would have sent to the world if the
US had said, "We choose not to honor the original agreement. We're at
the end of the lease, but screw you- we ain't movin' out and you can't
make us."