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Default What Happens if you're a Dem

"DSK" wrote in message
I firmly believe the US is not ready for a woman or black president. All
peoples prejudices will come bubbling up and either would lose.

Prob'ly right.

Doug Kanter wrote:
.... I'd like to see a a half million women polled on who they think
*would* be a good candidate, with perhaps 20 choices listed. I'd vote for
Carly what's-her-name, who used to run Hewlett Packard.

You'd regret it if she won.
I used to own Hewlett-Packard stock, she's the reason I sold it. And a
good thing too, it dropped to about 10% what is was and will take decades
to come back.

When I was 6 months from graduating Purdue Engineering, I interviewed with
HP. The interviewer met with about 2/3 of my class. Every guy who walked
out of the interview said that it was the worst interview that they had.
Every girl (all 6 of them) who walked out said it was the best interview
that they had.

HP ended up hiring two Purdue Mechanical Engineer graduates...and both were
women. Neither was in the top 50%of our class.

It was obvious that the interviewer was operating on a directive from their
female CEO to hire more women. The interviews with the men were just a
formality. The affirmative action/reverse sexism that took place in
corporate America was a good part of the reason why I ended up with a career
change and went to dental school.

So, indirectly, I can thank Carly for helping me make the best choice of my
life. ;-)