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Default Barking Dogs of the Looney Left

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 22:59:29 +0000, Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:

Expect to see a lot more of this spin, if there are indictments. My
favorite, is Hutchison's "perjury technicality". The very same
technicality she voted Clinton guilty of. She shows a very special level
of hypocrisy.

She ain't the only one.

True, just a prime example. For the record, I supported impeaching
Clinton, not because I thought what he did was dastardly, but because, I
had a naive hope that it would raise the bar. I would suggest, continued
support for indicted public officials lowers that same bar. In a
democracy, we get exactly the government we deserve. Personally,
regardless of politics, if our officials break the law, I want them out of