Middle Fork Salmon, Idaho
Oci-One Kanubi wrote:
I've only been there once, at low water (we were able to put in at
Marsh Creek, but our support rafts had to put in downstream). At that
level, there was nothing that I would call a serious Class III. A few
easy Class IIIs maybe, but nothing challenging to a Class III boater.
You thought Dagger Falls was easy class 3!? Or maybe you're referring
only to the rapids below Boundary Creek put-in.
If the latter, I pretty much agree with you. Velvet Falls could be dicy
run on the right or center, but if you know to run left, it's certainly
an easy class 3 move. Rapids in Impassible Canyon get big at high flows,
but I don't know if that makes them class 4.
This past spring, one of my friends wrote a trip report about a voyage
down Marsh Creek that encountered a surprise river-wide tree, hidden
by a blind curve. They were lucky to survive with 50% of their boats
and only one broken leg.