OT--Major news that barely makes the news
*JimH* wrote:
The good news is never covered by the news organizations........they are
more interested in celebrating and rejoicing in 2,000 deaths in Iraq.
It's the right wing's war. You should be proud.
on most any TV network or cable channel today and you will see first hand.
One of my best friend's son is coming home for a 2 week leave from Iraq
(USMC) shortly. He has been there for over 1 year and will have to return
again after his short R&R leave in the States.
It's the right wing's war, you should be proud of the fact that no one
wants to muster for the armed services because they know it's a farce,
hence depleting our troops so the veterans have to go back.
He has been hit with shrapnel twice while on patrol and has seen some of his
platoon members killed and wounded.
There's something the right should be proud of, and it sounds like you
I will post his exact words about how he sees thing there and about going
back to Hell.
Yeah....I'll bet.