Visual Passage Planner ver. 2
Looking for a copy (iso) of Visual Passage Planner 2 - I will trade the
below i your option.
Lloyds Maritime Atlas CD Version
All Pilot Charts World Wide CD Version (all month available)
Fairplay Ships Database
Fairplay Distance table World Wide CD Version
Cmap ECDIS System Worldwide Coverage all charts are up to date
Transas ECDIS System World Wide all charts are up to date
Tide Calculation System Worldwide
Weatherfax 2000
IMO Labels and symbols CD Version
Waypoint for windows 3.01 Full Version
All the above software are registered correctly
My version of Visual Passage Planner (registered) is damaged and is
comming up with at corrupted file every time i try to install.
I am in a hurry due to voyage planning (Argentina - Portugal)
Please contact me asap via the email