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Oci-One Kanubi
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Default Middle Fork Salmon, Idaho

Bill Tuthill wrote:
Oci-One Kanubi wrote:

I've only been there once, at low water (we were able to put in at
Marsh Creek, but our support rafts had to put in downstream). At that
level, there was nothing that I would call a serious Class III. A few
easy Class IIIs maybe, but nothing challenging to a Class III boater.

You thought Dagger Falls was easy class 3!? Or maybe you're referring
only to the rapids below Boundary Creek put-in.

Hi Bill,

Yuh; that's probably what I should have remembered: Boundary Creek.
Whichever put-in is almost exactly 100 miles (including a mile or two
on the Main Salmon) upstream from the Forest Service takeout, as I
recall. A longish first day to get to where the rafts could put in,
then four and a half leisurely days to the take-out.

I tried to Google up a map to jog my memory, but I just don't have time
to wade thru all the sales bumph on most of the sites Google finds.

But my overall opinion of the trip is that it is not a place I would
ever go to again for the whitewater; though if I had the leisure to
spend time repeating the same experience it is certainly a place I
would go to over and over again for the *place*. As it is, though,
while my leisure time is so sharply constrained, I will keep going to
places new and different, and save a repeat trip to the Middle Fork
until after I retire.

-Richard, His Kanubic Travesty
================================================== ====================
Richard Hopley Winston-Salem, NC, USA
.. rhopley[at]earthlink[dot]net
.. Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll
.. rhopley[at]wfubmc[dot]edu
.. OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters
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