I know it's on a very, very much smaller scale, but , sometimes
that's how I feel when I have a couple days for a cruise and no
where in particular to go. To pull anchor in the morning, head
out , see which way the wind is blowing and set sail accordingly.
Just me and my boat.
"Seahag" wrote in message
"Capt.Mooron" wrote:
An interesting site...... courtesy of a Druid relative of
I wonder how many here have stood at the crest of an
Iceberg...... surveyed the compass points, decided which
bearing to take, all the while looking across an icepack
and understanding that it's over a thousand miles to
civilization...... nobody knows you are there, no
communication until you made the base station and radio.
You finally understand you are on your own here.
Sounds like sailing in the ocean!