Need Info on Buying Outboard Motor from eBay
I would like to know people experience in buying an outboard motor from
eBay. I have previously bought some stuff from eBay; but those are
inexpenisve items. What I want to know a
- How do we check the motor without seeing it?
- Can we remotely hire a mechanic to check the motor
for us?
- Is there any recourse if the motor is a lemon?
- How do they handle repair under warranty? I doubt
that the vendor can provide any warranty especially
if they are far away; I ask anyway.
- How much is the shipping cost for a 300-lb 115HP
outboard motor anyway? I am afraid that the shipping
cost will eat up all the saving that I may be able
to get from buying from eBay.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Jay Chan
Is this a new motor, or used?
You couldn't run fast enough to catch me and make me buy a used motor
or engine of any kind sight unseen over the internet. But that's just
I also don't think it's fun to go to Vegas and play blackjack against
the pros for $500 a hand.
If new, why not take the price of the motor, add a reasonable amount
for shipping, and approach a local dealer and say "I can buy this 115
HP Spudchurner for $3500 over the internet, and it will cost me $250 to
ship it. You price is $4100. Tell you what, though, see if you can
match the $3750 it would cost me to buy this somewhere else and ship it
in, and if you can I'm ready to write you a check right now."
Even he all he can or will do is come close, there is an absolute value
to being a customer of the local dealership instead of "that cheap
arsed SOB who ran off to the internet to save $100". Your local shop
may indeed service an internet motor under warranty, immediately after
they have addressed the service needs of each and all of their own