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Default Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 23:11:14 GMT, No Spam wrote:

Actually I don't think Cyli was making an argument at all, she was just
stating what works for her. You see everything as an argument or a
personal attack. Personally I also abide by this set of personal
standards and find that they have kept me mostly intact while hiking,
biking, flying, walking and paddling.

Thank you, No Spam. You stated it much more precisely (and nicely)
than I did.

NYC XYZ wrote:
Again, this is a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT -- not at all what I was on about.

I asked about rules, but the water-logged airheads here keep going on
about "practical" ****ing ****, Sherlocks!

Cyli wrote:

Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let
anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the
right of way. It's worked so far, with only a couple of close calls.
One of which involved the excuse, "It's been real hot out and there's
been beer." But that was in a location I found (later) was notorious
for bad power boating with beer or other beverages.

r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels.
Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless.
email: lid (strip the .invalid to email)

r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels.
Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless.
email: lid (strip the .invalid to email)