On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 12:14:21 +0000, Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
Don't forget the obstruction of justice charge. I may point out that
Libby wasn't "the" leak. That honor belongs to "Official A", widely
thought to be Rove. Fitzgerald seems to have left the door slightly
ajar, and I'm not sure where he is going. Potentially, my suspicious
nature could have these indictments leveraging Libby to include a
conspiracy charge with Official A, but then again, this may be the end of
I sort-of agree, but somebody is protecting somebody here and I am still
of the belief that this is much bigger than we might think. It's just that
Fitsgerald's mandate is limited and he's trying to figure a way around it.
I'm not sure his mandate was limited. Comey's clarification:
I think it involves more than one branch of government and some rather
highly placed officials beyond the circle that advises the President.
Fitzgerald knows it, he just can't get at it.
Also note the careful wording of Ms. Palme-Wilson's status at the CIA.
That in and of itself is interesting.
Clearly, there are many questions unanswered. This guy, Fitzgerald, is
very competent, scrupulous, and, in his past, quite tenacious. He holds
his cards quite close, as he should, and is very hard to read. I just
don't know. In my readings, Rove and Libby met before the leak. That
*could* be conspiracy. Libby learned of Plame's status from Cheney.
That would be legal, but . . . Was Cheney's involvement anything more?
Damn, I still want a report. ;-)
I found this article pretty interesting: