The Daily NOYB Updater
"thunder" wrote in message
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 09:00:37 -0400, Bert Robbins wrote:
Are you starting to see black helicopters everywhere.
Nope, just reading the indictment. If you have read it, you will know
that there is still an unnamed "senior official in the White House" that
discussed Plame, "as a CIA employee" with Robert Novak.
If you want to talk about the hand the press had in this whole affair we can
go down that road. The press is not an innocent observer in this whole
affair. The press is in up to their eye-balls.
It could have happened the way Libby testified to in the GJ. It is possible
that the media participants decided to conspire to tell their own fabricated
The real question is if this goes to trial will the members of the press
testify under oath in a court of law? If not, then Libby is off the hook
regardless of whether he did anything illegal or not. And, if Libby goes to
trial he should put Joe Wilson and Valarie Plame Wilson on the stand and
find out who authorized the trip and whether Joe Wilson every mentioned to
anyone that his wife worked at the CIA.
The original charge of "outing" a CIA agent has is the basis for all of
this crap. Once it is determined that Mr. Wilson outed his wife then
is no consipiracy charge it is just normal politics of getting the other
side of the story out into the public.
You keep mentioning that Wilson outed his wife. Perhaps you should have
shared this information with Fitzgerald. We could have avoided this nasty
Fitzgerald did not say one way or the other during his press conference
yesterday, of which I watched the entire thing, that Valarie Plame Wilson
was an covert CIA agent. You can't expect to be under cover when you drive
in and out of the front gates of Langley everyday.
The biggest problem in this whole affair is Joe Wilson. He has taken every
oppourtunity, and tried to make some oppourtunities, to get in front of the
press and bitch and whine. The fact the Valarie Plame Wilson allowed herself
to be photographed for the infamous Vanity Fair magazine means that she was
not interested in being covert in the future and that she had no committment
to any of her previous sources to protect their identies at all costs.
What we really need to know is who, meaning a person and not the name of
an organization, authorized Mr. Wilson's trip to Niger? Once that piece
informaiton is known then the next set of questions can be answered. Any
conspiracy charge should start at the CIA.