a bystanders view on the us noise that is made here
"Len" wrote in message
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 20:31:44 -0400, " *JimH*" wrote:
Care to support your claims with some proof?
Just because you say so does not make it fact.
Jim, you act like a boring child repeating a senseless question.
But the fact you're accompanied by so many alikes makes it necessary
to go on....
These aren't just claims or statements, they are facts.
You can look 'm up....
I'll try to enlighten you (mission impossible iii)
What is a fact?
Gorbatsjov was the person who had the right intentions up front and
grabbed his chance to stop a dynasty of dictators and reform with all
respect due to human values. He luckily had the chance during the last
days of a "week" man like tsjernenkov.
Whatever president of he us, Eastern Europe would have changed like it
I'll also tell you what a (dumb and manipulative) statement is.
The statement that "it was Reagan who had scared the russian crooks so
bad that Gornatsjov had no choice but to abandon the reign of evil and
become friends with the great world leader".
My goodness, this is funny.... And to know that there are people who
actually believe that.... Alzheimer kicks in hard and early I
guess.... ....
The true reason is they couldn't outspend us! We were ever advancing our
military and delivery systems. Imagine if you will the soviet military mind
when he learns that US attack subs have been consistently inside soviet
protected waters for 10 years and most of the soviet subs have been shadowed
undetected for much of that time. Regan began a policy of informing the
Russians of these facts by allowing the soviet subs to detect our subs as we
come up behind then by our pinging them (One ping is like a radar lock for
aircraft). This gave away a tactical advantage but put pressure on the
Along with pressure on the military Regan put the world press to use. IF
you grew up in Poland you probably couldn't hear many of his speeches. He
simply pointed out that the Soviet economic system didn't work, that
educated people were trying to leave Russia while our country had to patrol
it's borders to keep people out.
I differ with your statement: "Whatever president of the US, Eastern Europe
would have changed like it did." I think it would have taken another 10
years and would have been very brutal with many internal fights and quashing
of rebellions. Regan policies and speeches created enough support for
Gornatsjov (sp) that he could turn internal Russian politics on a different
course instead of the self destructive one it was on.
I'd be interested in where you get your news and the books that were used in
your education system. We have many here in this country that have a
similar view of world events and I'd like to pin down the sources of this.