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Default a bystanders view on the us noise that is made here

On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 07:32:29 +0100, Len wrote:

In terms of who deserves the most credit it is unmistakenly Gorbatsjov.
Why is it there is such a need to blow up the part Reagan played? Don't
you think any president with a smart advisor would have done not exactly
the same but would have added in the same amount?

Let me put it in another way: What would have become of this alleged
"Reagan-directed-end-of-the-cold-war" if Gorbatsjow hadn't been there but
another Brenzjnev-type or Chroestjow-type?

I give Gorbachev quite a bit of credit, but it could be they both needed
each other to succeed.