yanmar -ysb 1974 engine- poor starting
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Dennis Pogson
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yanmar -ysb 1974 engine- poor starting
Rick wrote:
what is the compression?
when the high pressure pump was replaced it may have changed the fuel
timing. This timing is critical.
did the rack get hooked up correctly to the pump?
If I were to guess I would say fuel timing...
"Dennis Pogson" wrote in message
the above is an old lady and very difficult to start. compression
ok, new injector and injector pump, replaced diesal fuel. will
start by use of easy start and there after tick over ok. lots of
smoke and carbon or oily discharge when run at full revs.
any ideas.
have already had the suggestion of the exhaust being partially
blocked but have not taken this futher.
Had a similar problem some years ago on a similar engine. An old
diesel engine mechanic found that the engine had been re-built and
the valve timing
gear was one tooth out. Made a huge difference to the power once it
was re-assembled.
It may have been the fuel timing, it's a long time ago now!
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