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Default IS there a RIGHT boat for NutCase?

"Capt Rob-" wrote in message

Ignore him and he'll go away just like all the meows.

Hunter 26X
Cesspool, NY

Look you whining ****ant..... from what I've seen, Bob produces more
sailing related discussion than anyone here. Bart tries with occasional
success to induce sailing related threads... but it takes the offensive
abilities of Bobsprit to really get everyone nipping and striking that
thread bare lure.

I bite on some of Bob's casts..... but it's not done out of malicious
intent... it provides me with a platform to craft a witty reply. I
appreciate Bob's posts. Sure he's a marginal sailor... I agree he needs the
best vessel available to even step up to the plate.... no question he knows
less about boats than my 8 yr old niece.... Yes he changes his mind more
often than a fat lady in a candy store... but let's face it you bunch of
whiners... if it wasn't for Bob... all you have to be better than is JAX!!
Yeah... I thought so!

He's giving you the opportunity to look down on someone for once in your
lives! Take advantage of his generosity!

I think we should have a Bobsrit appreciation day on this group!

You Go Bob... You Da Man!