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Default The Enemy Within

Harry Krause wrote:

Skipper wrote:
Today we have a debate going on over the future of America.
Conservatives want to preserve those traditional values that have made
America great. The Liberals who've taken over the once great Democrat
Party are out to change America into one fitting their image of how
things should be done. They care not what damage is done.

These "liberals" want to take away the right of the people to keep and
bear arms, they want to establish a pure socialist government and
redistribute wealth. They want America's enemies to prevail. They shut
down Congress for a time yesterday as conservative leadership was trying
to reduce government costs. Hell, they even want to eliminate the
celebration of Christmas. These are not real Americans, they ARE the
enemy within. They are clearly godless anti-Americans with no ties to
traditional American values. They are Americas undesirables.

Fortunately, these undesirables are being taken care of and going the
way of that pencil-necked Tom Daschle...Americas voters are sending them
out to pasture. The Looney Left will kick and scream as they're shown
the door...but that's what America does with their Jane Fondas.

What a crock of crap.

An expected response from the Looney Left...but it's all true, Krause.
If I were making the call, traitors would be treated far more harshly.
