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Default The Enemy Within

On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 08:34:31 -0600, Skipper wrote:

Today we have a debate going on over the future of America.
Conservatives want to preserve those traditional values that have made
America great.

yeah like tax cuts for the rich, increasing taxes on the middle class,
no job security, no health care, budget deficits that are
astronomical, eliminating individual rights, imposing religion, etc.

These "liberals" want to take away the right of the people to keep and
bear arms

what POSSIBLE relationship is there between guns and freedom?
conservatives have a mythology all their own and this is a big one.
the NRA can not defeat the US armed forces, period. the 2nd was
obsolete when it was written.

, they want to establish a pure socialist government and
redistribute wealth.

conservatives are already redistributing wealth. they are now
proposing eliminating the home mortgage deduction while keeping
capital gains tax cuts and the 'death tax' cut...the middle class pays
taxes and the rich don't.

They want America's enemies to prevail. They shut
down Congress for a time yesterday as conservative leadership was trying
to reduce government costs.

let's see...the conservatives chased clinton for 4 years for getting a
blow job in the white house...they tied him in knots and their hatred
of him led to security failures resulting in 9/11.

BUT conservatives are allowed to expose CIA agents for political
reasons and no one gets hammered.

as to reducing costs, pres. george bush, like ronald reagan before
him, has produced more govt spending and more deficits than in the
entire history of the united states.

Hell, they even want to eliminate the
celebration of Christmas. These are not real Americans, they ARE the
enemy within. They are clearly godless anti-Americans with no ties to
traditional American values. They are Americas undesirables.

funny as i read the constitution, GOD is never mentioned. ever. being
godless is a RIGHT of being an american.

you can see where the christian taliban want to take us. they want to
gut the constitution and turn america into a theocracy.

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