...in Rochester NY due to the Kodak plant closings
On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 08:53:36 -0500 (EST), "Harry Krause"
NOYB wrote:
You guys are pathetic and predictable. Your "the-sky-is-falling"
reports on
jobs always precede the Bureau of Labor Statistics *actual* employment
numbers by one or two days. I guess you can call it a preemptive
strike...'cause you know that tomorrow's report ain't gonna be good
for the
Democratic candidate...and will be *VERY GOOD* for Bush's reelection
chances. I predict another 0.2 drop in the Unemployment rate.
Prediction: 5.4% unemployment rate.
An unemployment rate that falls because unemployed workers are running
out of benefits?
An unemployment rate that falls because long-out-of-work workers are
forced to take crappy jobs that pay a third of the good jobs that were
lost while Bush was standing watch?
Here's an interesting stat, possibly related to the failed Bush economy:
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by
Princeton Survey Research Associates. Feb. 24-29, 2004. N=1,000 adults
nationwide. MoE ± 3.5.
"Now thinking about our country, overall, are you satisfied or
dissatisfied with the way things are going in our country today?" Trend
includes slight variation in question wording.
Satisfied Dissatisfied No Opinion
% % %
2/24-29//04 39 55 6
12/19/03 - 1/4/04 45 48 7
12/15-17/03 44 47 9
Oh, and let's not forget to factor in that a growing number of Americans
now feel that Bush lies - about things that are important.
Notice that ratings have gone down with the onslaught TV coverage of
the Democrat primary coverage. What you are seeing here is a
reflection of the satisfaction of television content. Now that other
things can occupy the news, these numbers will get better.
John H
On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!