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Brian Nystrom
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Default Climbing Beeners in a sea kayak

I can't keep the original beeners that come with tow systems working.
The Aluminiun siezes up and corodes. I have had to replace them all
with brass and stainless clips. Is this common and why do manufacturers
insist on using this stuff. It's no cheaper.

Climbing 'biners are much lighter and less expensive than comparably
sized stainless boating clips. Their large size make them easy to handle
with cold, wet, gloved hands, which is partly what they're designed for.

Keeping them working in a marine environment isn't difficult. Rinse them
in fresh water after use and lubricate them periodically with a product
designed for wet, corrosive environments. My favorite lube is
CorrosionX, followed by Boeshield T-9. with C'X, I only have to lube
them every 3 months or so. Boeshield requires monthly applications.

If you have some 'biners' that have gotten stiff, soak them in hot water
and work the gates back and forth until they loosen up a bit. Then apply
a liberal amount of lubrication to the hinge and into the recess in the
gate. With a little effort, they'll be as good as new in no time.

A worthwhile modification on any 'biner that's going to be used for
towing is to cut/file the hook off the gate. That prevents it from
snagging on the deck line, especially when you're trying to remove it.
If you do this, DO NOT USE THEM FOR CLIMBING, as cutting off the hook
dramatically reduces the maximum load they can handle. It makes no
difference for towing, but in a climbing fall, 'biners are loaded to
10x, 20x or even higher loads than they'll ever see when used in a tow rig.