The main problem with is group - an essay*.
"Capt. Neal®" wrote
First, in order to understand rational thinking, one
must understand what thinking is. Thinking is a
matter of memory. One uses stored memories when
one thinks. The more accurately one recalls stored
memories the more accurate will be one's thinking.
This is true but incomplete. Thinking is a matter of memory when memory
allows a person to make sense of, or "scaffold" to, a present experience.
In order to recall memories accurately one must
experience the makings of memory accurately. This
is where the majority of you fail. It's obvious
that most of you are not capable of objectively
experiencing and understanding what you read and
this leads to inaccurate memories which then leads
to inaccurate thinking.
This is true, and the reason most people make crappy witnesses.
What do we mean by memory? There are two types
of memory - factual and psychological. Factual
memory consists of recalling various facts and
technical knowledge while psychological memory
involves positive or negative experiences that
affect the way the "me" experiences the world.
This is true.
These two types of memory are always intertwined.
As a general rule one tends to retain pleasant
memories and one tends to forget the unpleasant.
This applies to the technical as well as the
psychological. If one "hates" math, for example, then
math is forgotten because math is unpleasant. But
please carefully consider how, no matter the content,
memory is old.
Most people do well in math when they have and see the need for it. People
with "math phobias" are typically concrete and not abstract learners. Show
them why they need it, however, and they usually get it. If they continue to
use it (i.e., they really did need it in the first place), they won't forget
Mind is memory and thus mind is founded upon the
past. Mind exists in the present only via past memories.
Mind can do no more than that because without
memories there is no thought process at all (no mind).
So, it follows that we meet life and new challenges
with memory. The challenge is always new and the
response always old. Thus memory is a hindrance
to experiencing what actually is as memory taints
the "what is" with the "what has been".
"Taints" may be true in one sense because memory plays such an important
role in the integration of new information. I'm not sure the negative
connotation offered by "taint" is appropriate though.
So, try as we might, most of us cannot see the present
as the present really is. (Other than myself and the
aforementioned Bob Crantz, that is.)
This failure to see the present as it really is causes
this group to remain dysfunctional because that
which is discussed is the "pretend present" and not
the actual present.
very Shakespearian! (or perhaps Vonnegutian)
The question then becomes, "Why bother reading and
posting here?" The answer is simple. Reading and posting
here is repetition of memories and comfortable but
anybody who actually expects to learn something new
here is guilty of faulty thinking and is experiencing
I completely disagree! I learn from what I read here and so do you! Many of
us have witnessed the learning of many hard lessons here - by you!
Now, I realize I've lost most of my readers many
paragraphs ago because those readers, because of
faulty memories, cannot follow a logical and factual
sequence. But it doesn't matter because this essay is
written for the one or two whose minds might be
capable of breaking free from the restraints of
memory thinking and emerging into "what is" thinking
which is present thought without hindrance of
memory. It can be done. I am living proof.
ah, succès d'estime at any price!
Well done Captain!
I hope this helps.
Well it has!
It is now 3:38 AM, I have finished my morning hydration, and will now embark
on my daily journey toward corporeal perfection.
To the Bowflex!