Employer of only resort?
On Sat, 05 Nov 2005 08:04:25 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:
John H. wrote:
On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 15:43:40 GMT, Don White wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
"The" jobs these days seem to be mainly "Mcjob" service sector jobs with
companies offering low wages and no benefits.
Can you imagine if the young people in the military finally figure out
what is going on.....
A revolt in the ranks has happened before and in this
scenario...shouldn't be unexpected.
The young people in *our* military, contrary to the opinions of Harry, know what
is 'going on'.
They joined the military because they felt the benefits were worth the risks.
A lot of youngsters join the military because they are poorly educated,
have no job prospects, or are lied to by recruiters, or any combination
of all three.
In the days of the draft, there were some underachievers who stayed in
the military after their period of conscription was up because they knew
they couldn't make it in the real world.
By the way, why are you using a tagline you attribute to my initials
containing a statement I never uttered or implied? Does that have
something to do with the code of honor you learned and practiced in your
Army career?
Does something about the tagline offend thee? When your wife asked the question,
what did you say? What could make you think 'HK' is any reference to you? Didn't
you read Chuck's post about inferring things?
Your knowledge of our military is based on zilch. You've expressed it's limits
many times.
John H
"It's *not* a baby kicking, bride of mine, it's just a fetus!"