I've run out of lies - help!
Just like the right goose stepping with Bush on Harriet Miers. Oh, wait a
minute that didn't happen.
"Dr. Dr. Smithers" Ask Me about my Phd @ Diploma Mill .com wrote in
message ...
Has anyone else noticed how the liberal lemmings all goosestep in a
borg-like manner to the exact same buzz words.
One would think they would have an original thought, but I guess not.
Even Gould has resorted to lining up with the liberal lemmings repeating
the same locution as they leisurely and lamely leap off the lofty ledge
into the lathered littoral to end their lame life.
" *JimH*" wrote in message
On Thu, 3 Nov 2005 23:43:36 -0800, jps wrote:
Rectal fissure removal (AKA Fritz,Herring,Hertvig or, simply Dave)
How absolutely original.