Hot darn, even!
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Lying's just the tip of the iceberg
November 4, 2005
Since it is apparently not a crime to deceive the American people into
supporting a foolish and unjust war, one must be content with the
indictment of I. Lewis Libby for perjury and obstruction of justice. The
indictment is an example of a mountain laboring two years to bring forth a
molehill. Libby will have the best trial lawyers money can buy and stands
a good chance of acquittal. If he is convicted, the president will surely
grant him a pardon before he leaves office.
We are unlikely ever to learn who ''outed'' Valerie Plame and thus ruined
her career.
I'd like to know why some reporter didn't follow Mrs. Plame to her office in
the CIA building and discovered that she worked there independent of any
insider information. Or is it assumed that no-one does any research.