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Default OT:Democrats Push Big Lie About War

Scott Ritter has been proven 100% right.

The WMD that Saddam once had were chemically inert long before the
All that stuff has a certain shelf life, and the WMD that Saddam once
had (a good portion of them supplied at one time by the US), were all
long past the "pull date."

But screw Scott Ritter. He was making observations based on scientific
reality- and that certainly wasn't what we needed when we were beating
the war drums and frightening the folks in Omaha that Saddam Hussein
was about raise a mushroom cloud over the Ford truck store.

"We know he's got 'em!" sure trumps all the inspections and scientific
analaysis when it needs to- and sadly enough we can prove that it does.

What was it that one of Bush's henchmen said, just before the war, when
asked if he though Saddam Hussein had WMD? I think it was "slam dunk!"