OT Digital camera
"Capt. Rob" wrote in message ups.com...
| While you huddle in the cold and rain up
| there for half a year at a time, I'm out sailing to my heart's
| content.
| Yeah, suuuuuuree you are! And posting here every 12 minutes! Notice I
| didn't post after this morning until now. That's because I was out
| SAILING!!! Try it sometime. Maybe you can borrow a boat.
I didn't go sailing today but I did spend most of the day aboard
enjoying life on the hook. Grilled some pork loin and had salad
and applesauce and a couple of beers to wash it down. Thought
about my very enjoyable trip to the Shark River and back. 120
miles of grand sailing . . . Beats your little day trip, doesn't it?
I'd hate to borrow any boat because I would surely be disappointed
in whatever I borrowed because it would be slower and less well
equipped than Cut the Mustard.