Need Maintenance Info on 1995 Mercury 115hp 2-Stroke Outboard Motor
My second hand boat comes with a 1995 Mercury 115-hp 2-stroke outboard
motor. Unfortunately, the boat doesn't come with an owner manual and I
don't know when the manufacturer will mail the owner manual to me. I
need some info about maintaining this motor:
- It is a 2-stroke motor with oil-injection (this means oil is not
mixed with fuel in the tank). I cannot find anything that looks like
an oil filter. Is this normal?
- Do I expect to see a fuel filter somewhere to trap water in the
fuel? Is it a good idea to retrofit a fuel filter to the fuel line if
the fuel system doesn't come with a fuel filter?
- I am trying to locate the screw hole for draining engine oil from
the lower part of the outboard motor. I can see two screws in the
right side of the lower part of the outboard. They are a couple inches
apart, and one is above the other by an inch. Which one is the one
that I should unscrew in order to drain oil from the lower part of the
motor? Where is the vent hole for draining oil?
Thanks in advance for any info.
Jay Chan