Need Maintenance Info on 1995 Mercury 115hp 2-Stroke Outboard Motor
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Don White
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Need Maintenance Info on 1995 Mercury 115hp 2-Stroke OutboardMotor
- I am trying to locate the screw hole for draining engine oil from
the lower part of the outboard motor. I can see two screws in the
right side of the lower part of the outboard. They are a couple inches
apart, and one is above the other by an inch. Which one is the one
that I should unscrew in order to drain oil from the lower part of the
motor? Where is the vent hole for draining oil?
Thanks in advance for any info.
Jay Chan
My drain hole and filler vent hole are on the starboard side of my
Evinrude...the vent about 8 inches above the drain/filler (which is just
below the prop housing).
My manual says to put a container under the lowest screw and remove it.
Then remove the 'vent' screw to enable the gearcase oil to flow out.
To re-fill, I take the small jug of gearcase oil and stick the tapered
nozzel into the lowest hole and squeeze until oil starts to flow out of
the above 'vent' hole. Then I quickly screw upper 'vent' plug back in
and lastly, screw the lower drain/fill plug in.
A tad messy...but I hope to get better after a few changes.
Manual says you can simply re-fill from top 'vent' hole...but you have
to be careful of air bubbles.
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