Can someone help me find the boating website instead of thispolitical site
Doug Kanter wrote:
Yes. Be more explicit about what you'll do when you see boating messages
which do not interest you. Can you master the difficult art of not looking?
If you're driving down a busy commercial strip looking for a hardware store
and see a dozen tanning parlors, none of which interest you, do you pull
into their parking lots and tell them they don't belong there? Or, do you
simply Not Look? :-)
This guy gives me a great idea... since I own a trawler and three
sailboats, and am not in the slightest bit interested in catching fish,
I think I'll butt into every single fishing conversation on this
newsgroup. I'll tell everyone what they can post and what they can't.
When that's all straightened out, I'll start telling them what to think.
I could be more popular than ol' George Bush Jr. himself!
But it would be a lot of work. Maybe I won't after all.