In another analysis, in the 2 weeks since this topic was discussed last, I
see only 3 "new" OT postings; I have added the originators to my "blocked"
list. In maybe 5 years, I have "blocked" 47 senders from my newsgroup
It is sorely tempting to start blocking those who take the bait, as well.
Or, does anybody have any ideas how to ignore or delete entire threads,
which were originated by certain people?
Sal's Dad
Anyone who cut and pastes newspaper articles in, does not want
this to be a boating group. You will see there are maybe 3 or 4 people
who go out of their way to make sure boating is not discussed here.
"Chuck Tribolet" wrote in message
I just did some analyiss. I have a way of marking threads off topic. So
far in November:
124 of 210 of the new threads were off topic from the start. That's 59%
At least 3169 of 4422 posts were off topic. That's 71%. I say "at least"
because I don't in
general flag those on-topic threads that get hijacked into off-topic,
which is not an uncommon
occurance. I do catch a few if it's a thread I'm following. On the
other side, I don't catch those
off-topic threads that manage to meander back on topic, but those are a
rare occurance.
So take the off-topic stuff someplace else. You are ruining this
Chuck Tribolet