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Bill Kiene
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Default Rename of this newsgroup ?

Hi Rick,

I think there are a few boat guys left here.

There should be a news group named REC.OT

Bill Kiene

Kiene's Fly Shop
Sacramento, CA, USA

Web site:

"tafflad" wrote in message

Over the last few months have seen the % of threads about boats
reduced, lots of crap about American politics, and lately Spaghetti,
Sour dough, Parmesan chicken, Chilli recipes and today WiFi.

How about renaming this group rec.anything-but-boats ?

To be totally off topic, and way off the mark thought I would ask a
boat question - just winterised my boat, and put a breathable cover
over it in dry storage.
Thought that a lower power dehumidifier would be a good thing to have
under that cover, anybody any experience of such things ?
