Bam! Poor Bob Crantz!
"Capt. Rob" wrote in message
35s5 PHRF = 129
Dufour 38 PHRF = 111
A fine example of handicap racing eliminates the boat factor and puts
it all
on the crew.
Ohhhhhh....I see!!!
So please explain this: When we sailed the 35s5 in St. Petersburg we
were able to pass a Catalina 34, Pearson 39 and and quite a few other
nice boats....with JUST OUR MAIN UP!!! Everyone was on a reach most of
the time. I must be a GREAT sailor or the 35s5 is got some balls.
Also: When we sailed the 35s5 out of Oyster Bay winds were puffing
between 3, 4 and 8 knots. The 35s5 never faultered and touched 5 knots
at times! We passed everything except for a First 36.7 and a big C&C of
some type. Either I'm a great sailor or the 35s5 has some balls!
Maybe it's just that everyone else can't sail their boats in heavy or
light air. They have no feel for it.
Yeah...that's it!
Smell that? It's the Crantz fish cooking! Get the butter!!!!!
35s5....better than Crantz boat because it's real
One case is a handicap race with everyone sailing with the same intent, the
other is anecdotal evidence of people leaving the parking lot.
In the former case an appropriate observation is that the handicap system
works. For the latter case your observation is probably almost correct:
"everyone else can't sail their boats in heavy or light air." It could also
be that they didn't intend to race you, did you ask them?
If you want to smell some fish cooking, stick around flounder boy. I'll
easily slap you back into your place, and I don't own a boat or even know
how to sail!
Bob Crantz