Diesel starting problems
Having some problems with my Bukh 20 diesel. Started it the other day
and it ran for a couple of minutes then died. This had never happened
before. On investigation it looked like the hose connecting to the fuel
lift pump was a bit dodgy. It looked like the hose clamp may have been
cutting through the hose. Cut a couple of cm's off end of hose and
reconnected. With some priming and a bit of aerostart down the air
intake she started and I left her running for a good hour. An hour
later went to start her again and same thing, woudn't start. This time
I worked the manual lift lever on fuel pump and put more aerostart in
and she started and ran well.
I've checked all the filters and fuel supply, all looks o.k.
I noticed that the engine mounts look very compressed and that possibly
the fuel pump could be making contact with one of the steel engine
beds. Wondering if this could be the cause? Just haven't been able to
have a good look.
Anyways, as I'm very much a novice I'm hoping other might have some
suggestions on other possible causes of this problem.
thanks in advance