"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
Maybe it wasn't sent as an insult...just a play on the 'jarhead' term
used by Maines for decades. Did it insult Bert? Does he need someone
to hold his hand? If you think he does...you insult him more than I
Bert *is* an insult.
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the data with my own eyes.
Harry has made 3000 posts in rec.boats in the last three months. I think we
have found Harry's full time job.
A simple Perl script,
www.activestate.com, and you can generate all of the
informaiton you want. Download the free version of perl and then using PPM
get NNTPClient and EmailDate.
use News::NNTPClient;
use Date::Parse;
$c = new News::NNTPClient ("Your-News-Server-Here");
$c-debug (0);
$c-authinfo ("Your-Username-Here", "Your-Password-Here");
($first, $last) = ($c-group("rec.boats"));
$Count = 0;
open (OUTPUT, "thelist.txt");
for (; $last = first; $last--) {
@Article = $c-article ($last);
next if ($#Article == 0);
foreach (@Article) {
$from = $_ if (/^From:/);
$date = $_ if (/^Date:/);
$msgid = $_ if (/^Message-ID: /);
$subject = $_ if (/^Subject: /);
last if (/^$/);
if ($from =~ /Harry Krause/) {
chomp ($from);
chomp ($date);
chomp ($msgid);
chomp ($subject);
$from =~ s/^From: //;
$date =~ s/^Date: //;
$msgid =~ s/^Message-ID: //;
$subject =~ s/^Subject: //;
$time = str2time ($date); # Localize the time to EST with this and the
below line.
@date = localtime ($time);
$When = sprintf ("%4d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%d", $date[5] +1900,
$date[4] + 1, $date[3], $date[2], $date[1], $date[0], $date[6]);
$From{"$When"} = $from;
$Msgid{"$When"} = $date;
$Date{"$When"} = $msgid;
$Subject{"$When"} = $subject;
printf (OUTPUT "%s - %s - %s - %s\n", $When, $from, $msgid, $subject);
printf (OUTPUT "Record Count: %d\n", $Count);
$c-quit ();
close (OUTPUT);
exit (0);