The French Jap
Your Jap cars are crap and your French boats stinks, It's World Famous
for being cheap. To bad you could not afford a quality boat like a
Pacific Seacraft.
Joe, I'm not going to buy junk just to support cars and boats that
don't measure up. If the US wants to compete with Honda and Beneteau,
they better get thier asses in gear. A Pacific Seacraft is a good boat,
but not suited to the type of sailing most people do. Hunter and
Catalina are the only two builders truly competing with Beneteau and
I'm sad to say the designs are just weak vs. the Europeans. The only
boat that competes with my 35s5 are the new C&Cs fer cripes sake!
Get into a Lincoln Navigator and go for a drive. Then try my Subaru
Tribeca, which is not only a better quiter ride, but safer in a crash.
The US carmakers should be ashamed of what they've allowed to happen.
I've driven the Crossfire and last year's Vette. To bad a 33K Subaru
STI is still better than either.
Hell, when we spend big on a boat we STILL won't buy American!