The French Jap
Capt. Rob wrote:
It's also clear that you are not
fond of the Nordica; who cares?
I've always said that I liked the Nordica. In fact, when I rated
people's boats here I rated at or close to #1. That was before I had
the First 35s5 which makes everyone elses boat seem like floating
turdcakes with popsicle sticks for masts!
I don't understand why you are going on at such length about this
and hacking everyone elses?
For the reactions. I could really care less about who owns what. ALL
production boats below Swans, Shannons and Baltics are all about the
same. And that includes boats from Sabre and Tartan. But these
mega-morons are so thin-skinned, such simpletons, that I can lead them
around my the leash at will. Look at poor Loco, Jeff, Doug! These
straight men have been garuffing all over themselves like characters
from Dickens for years! And all because I say things like "Nah nah, my
boat is better than yours!"
Can you imagine? The irony is beyond them. I'm playing a game, but
their anger is real, exposing how material they truly are. And BOY does
THAT make them mad!
Some folks here "get it." Mooron, Ozzy, Scotty...they pretty much play
when it suits them. I pay them less attention because I know they're in
on the gag. Look at the posts from Jeff or John you detect
any sense of humor on these poor blokes? Loco Sloco is the all time
champ. He's made a royal ass of himself so many times the Queen i ready
to have him knighted! And don't let anyone tell you different...I DROVE
Doug into buying a trawler.
35s5....the better boat!
So you're just being an asshole for fun?