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Default OT Much to be Thankful For

Kevin gets to work after a long holiday weekend off to jump on the computer
to search for cut and pastes for

What a valued employee he is.

"Sir Rodney Smithers" Ask me about my knighthood. wrote in message
. ..

You should be ashamed of plagiarizing this woman's work. Alexandra Walker
worked hard to create this intellectual property, and you not only
republished it illegally, but failed to give Alexandra credit for her

Shame Shame Shame.

wrote in message
We're thankful for our country's troops.

We're thankful for Rep. Jack Murtha for showing us it's patriotic to
speak your mind.

We're thankful for 90 Senators who stood up to Vice President Cheney to
say that torture is not an American value.

We're thankful for 79 Senators who demanded the Bush administration
detail a plan for Iraq.

We're thankful that Sen. Bill Frist is not our physician.

We're thankful for the generosity of Americans, who raised some $2.3
billion to help victims on the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina.

We're thankful all Americans can still rely on Social Security.

We're thankful for American Airlines, Verizon, and Nissan, who all
agreed to Drop the Hammer.

We're thankful for Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald for conducting
a "very serious" and "very dignified" investigation.

We're thankful for good friends.

We're thankful for the success of progressive talk radio.

We're thankful to the voters of Colorado for putting priorities like
education, health care, and fiscal sanity over right-wing ideology.

We're thankful for autumn. Out West, where some PR readers vacation,
the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because
their roots connect them.

We're thankful Judy Miller won't be reporting on Iran's WMD program for
the New York Times.

We're thankful we don't live in Samuel Alito's America...yet.

We're thankful for, for exposing (in such ironic fashion)
ex-FEMA chief Michael Brown's checkered past at the International
Arabian Horse Association.

We're thankful for Tai Shan, the National Zoo's newest celebrity.

We're thankful we're not Scott McClellan.

We're thankful for the residents of Dover, Pennsylvania for doing the
right thing for their kids' education. (Don't listen to Pat, we've got
your back.)