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"John H" wrote in message
On Tue, 09 Mar 2004 12:48:54 -0500, Jim wrote:


A majority of Americans -- 57 percent -- say they want their next
president to steer the country away from the course set by Bush...

Bush no longer is viewed as someone who can bring the country together.

Two in three now say Bush cares more about protecting the interests of
large business corporations, up from 58 percent in December.

Pick one of the following in this unbiased survey.

1. I'd rather the country continue in its downward economic spiral,
suffering the attacks of terrorists while losing millions of jobs
under the current president.

2. I'd rather have a brand new president who will change everything
for the better and make our lives all peaches and cream.

Gee, that would provide fair results. Probably worthy of a few column
inches in the Washington Post and the New York Times.

The headlines could have just as easily read.....Support for Kerry soft.

"Bush's overall support, 50 percent, was unchanged from February and equal
to the lowest of his presidency; only the war on terrorism continues to
garner him the support of more than six in 10 Americans."

50% after six months of the nine dwarves bashing him daily.....that is damn

"Also, Bush begins the campaign with a strong reservoir of support that
Kerry lacks: Nearly nine in 10 Bush supporters say they "strongly" support
him, compared with two in three Kerry voters. In addition, six in 10 Kerry
supporters say they are voting for the Democrat more as a protest against
Bush and his policies, and not because they are attracted to Kerry. By
contrast, nearly nine in 10 Bush voters say their support is based on their
feelings toward the president, not disapproval of Kerry."

Note also the poll was of 'registered' voters, not the more accurate
'likely' or probably voter. Polls of 'registered' voters historically have
swung to the liberal side.

John H

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!