According to a well-placed Pentagon source, the White House and
corporate media are reporting less than half the actual American
military deaths in Iraq. As of 3 February 2004, the 'official' media
total stood at 528, while the real total at midnight on the same day was
1,188. This criminal discrepancy in the fatality figures is not the
fault of soldiers on the ground in Iraq, but of corrupt civilians in the
Pentagon working for Paul Wolfowitz Inc. The Pentagon officer explained
it like this.
"If a soldier is completely dismembered by a bomb, then he
is dead. Likewise, if a soldier is hit by a full burst of machine-gun
fire, then he also is dead. The problems start when the medic [on the
ground] is not quite sure whether the injured soldier is dead or not. We
all like to save life if possible, so if the medic believes there is the
faintest glimmer of hope, the injured soldier is sent immediately to the
nearest [medical] aid station."
"The split-second that soldier is removed from contact
[wherever the incident took place], he is officially listed as
'wounded', regardless of whether he then dies 3 seconds or minutes or
hours or days or months later, as a direct result of injuries sustained
in the contact. Deaths in transit to the U.S., or after soldiers return
home are also excluded completely, or become 'accidental deaths'. This
is how Wolfowitz and his people massage the figures, and how the
American public is misled."
Initially these comments sound suspiciously like an angry
senior officer exaggerating the case in an attempt to have his unit
prematurely withdrawn from the Iraqi killing fields. However, as the
officer carefully went on to explain, his claims are borne out and
substantiated by the very different way in which the corporate media
reports civilian deaths in Iraq.