Yep, I had a similar experience carrying a Nikonos. I was taking flash a
lot, and then started snorkling back to the boat. Same thing.. see something
off to the right. I figured it was one of those, so I tried to give it some
room. That must have made me look like potential food, because it came right
for me. I was getting ready to feed it my SB-102 flash and camera setup, so
I saw toward rather than away.
"j" ganz @@
OzOne wrote in message ...
On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 17:08:59 -0800, "Capt. JG"
scribbled thusly:
Last I was in BVI, we had a 3 foot barracuda underneath the catamaran for
several hours. It seemed to like the shade, so at one point I opened up
emergency hatch in the head and reached out and tried to grab the tail. He
sure didn't like that at all, but didn't get me. Still it stuck around for
Now they're scary!
Many years ago, we were in Tahiti on one of the outer islands.
Water was absolutely crystal clear but shallow and full of coral heads
so we were anchored about a mile out in this pristine sand bottomed
Dinghy was onshore so I jumped in and started swimming to shore.
I noticed a flash out of the corner of my eye and soo saw a big
barracouta circling me and getting closer.
It moved a little off then came in very fast straight at my face.
I dodged and it went right past, turned and came back.
This time I lashed out at it and it took off back into the circling.
I then realised that I was wearing a thin gold necklace (as was the
fashion then), and this may have attracted it.
Pulled it off and stuck it in my trunks.
Barra did another few circles and swam off.
Never swum with any jewellery, even a watch since then.
Oz1...of the 3 twins.
I welcome you to crackerbox palace,We've been expecting you.