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Default 10 Deadliest Sharks

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Maxprop" wrote in message

"Capt. JG" wrote in message
Actually, it was off Norman.

We saw them everywhe Marina Cay, at The Indians, Jost VanDyke at both
Little and Greater Harbors, Peter Island, Cooper, and swam with them over
the reef north of Virgin Gorda. They'll leave you alone if you don't
screw with them. One was waiting patiently just off the stern of a large
catamaran with a tiny, yappy dog bouncing all over the swim platform on
one of the hulls. If the dog had slipped off the boat, he'd have been


Well, you could have helped.

We watched with fascination--we were moored at the Indians about 30 yards
off the stern of the catamaran--because the pooch slipped from time to time
and almost fell in. The barracuda swam just below the surface (unusual, I
suppose), angled up toward the dog. He knew a tasty treat when he saw it.
We didn't want the dog to become a 'cuda snack, but we would have been
powerless to do anything about it if he'd fallen in. I think we assumed the
owners to be idiots for letting him bark loudly in a quiet anchorage/mooring
field, and would deserve what they got if the dog went over.
